Web3 Mindset For UX Designers
Web3 is the current buzzword in tech circles. As technology advances, web3 is seen as a significant development. How does UX design relate to this? What do these terms mean? Is one possible without the other? This article will explain how web3 and UX are connected and what designers need to consider when approaching web3.
Firstly, it’s important to understand what actually is web3, Chris Dixon defined it in really easy words:
“Web3 is the internet that is owned by builders and users, orchestrated with tokens.”
In the Web3 space, users will be rewarded for involvement in the platform and the system will be decentralized rather than centralized with large companies dominating.
Considering this shift, what role can UX design play and how should UX designers think about this new world? What preparations need to be made before we make this transition?
The New Fishes
The more recent a technology is, the harder it is for people to understand and use it. Most users are inexperienced with this type of technology, which leads to less familiarity and comprehension of what the tech actually does. This is where UX design comes in, helping the user by showing them how to complete tasks.
When teaching users, it can be difficult to know how much information to provide in order to create a good user experience. The skill lies in knowing when and how much information to give so that people feel comfortable and confident using the new technology.
Given that the technology is intricate and uses language that may be difficult for typical users to comprehend, it is essential to brainstorm innovative ways to make the technology more user-friendly. Even though there are sizable changes, UX design can make it appear as if nothing has been altered. This is the strength of UX Design. Additionally, web3 designers should consider those not familiar with the technology when designing.
Trust and Transparency are Everything — Bread, cream, and honey.
When a topic — thing or subject is new in the market, it’s comparatively delicate for people to trust it, and guess what, if it ever involves the finances part, also all the stylish bro CU’s the case is worse now! Just remember to stay, and don’t lose all hope, UX is still there!
Gone are the days when big giant companies used to show only the data that they wanted to show. The world is going to be more honest and transparent in the forthcoming times, it’s time to make connections grounded on translucency.
To make the trust of the users, it’s largely important to be transparent, especially when it comes to DeFi products where people are trusting the operation with their means. UX can surely help in building trust in products by going with the transparent design approach. By transparent, I mean to show them enough of the details of the sale, their asset details, clarifying the conduct that isn’t reversible, clarifying conduct that involves threat, furnishing a history of all the deals, the detention it could take in the completion on any action, or anything that would want to see.
The more transparent you’re about these effects, the better you can make trust your users. As a user, when you get this feeling that you can pierce all your information or everything that’s going on in front of you, these sure build up trust, all because of the transparency.
No Turnbacks!
Being inflexible means the action formerly performed can’t be changed, and this tells there’s very little forbearance for miscalculations, one wrong action can lead to disastrous results. This is the part where UX comes in when technology is so pivotal, you must give users enough understanding about the action they’re going to take, and give the periphery to cross-check the action being performed.
Double confirmations and warnings/alerts can help reduce miscalculations. Let’s consider an illustration of wallet account creation, if you lose the seed phrase, all your money is gone and there are zero chances of recovering your funds for your account. Do you see how pivotal it can be? A huge amount of losses can be averted just by putting studies while designing the user experience for the product!
There’s No Such Thing As “Perfect” Processes
Web3 is coming more briskly than any one of us can suppose. The transition from web2 to web3 is HUGE, and when the transition is huge, how can we assume to go with the same UX processes hypotheticals in the world of web3? It’s time to reevaluate and review everything from scraping and designing the processes that are in the stylish interest of the web3 products.
One must come to realize the need to review the processes of design. One of the most important factors in the success of web3 products is SPEED. The speed of executing your idea and launching it in the request. And if we talk about the most- followed sequence of UX design, it can now be obsolete for web3 products.
What we can do is, design the minimal feasible products with introductory functionalities after conducting user interviews about their pain points, wants, and frustrations, and launch the product in the market. After launching, gather the real data with the help of heatmaps or checks, and also review your UX opinions grounded on real data and numbers! Iteration is the key. I know it will take time, but eventually, we will be able to achieve the mass adoption of this new technology with the help of UX design.
Developers, Product Managers & Designers Can Do Wonders Together
UX design in web3 is beyond just design. In fact, indeed in web2, UX designers can not break the problems of users alone through design, they need a collaboration of a developer to produce a product that users love.
In web3, the center of attention will be the user, because the user will actually be a part of the product, hence what will count the most is the factual impulses a platform is furnishing, for illustration, Lower gas fees, high transaction speeds, and more return on investments. increase its adoption, then the designers, product managers, and developers must work together so that they can be on the same page if the thing that a designer is designing is technically possible or not, and if it’s not possible then how can we find the middle-ground? In the end, it’s about making combined efforts in one direction.
Communities And Community Members Are IMPORTANT
Communities are the beating heart of the web3 world. They’re what drives and encourages new people to join and share! Communities aren’t just the force driving growth in web3. They’re what allows it to stand out and come remarkable. Now the point is, as a UX designer how can you get the maximum benefit from these communities? Communities mean like inclined and focused- in- one- direction group of people on one platform, the people who you’re designing for. Involve them in the process, ask for their feedback, look out for their frustrations, and try to break problems through UX design. Think of the communities are GOD transferred for designerd, no?
Also, there are now numerous communities for web3 designers, you can join those and partake in your guests, literacy with each other, make relations with designers, help them break different UX problems, and play your part indeed if you suppose this won’t produce a difference. Believe me, it WILL.
Let’s sum it up
The days aren’t too far when the utmost of the operations that we use in our diurnal lives might be shifted to web3. further value will be handed to the users for the donation. There’s so much important going on in the world of web3 and people might not be ready to borrow the changes that are on their way. User experience design can play a huge part in making people ready for this change, by not making the changes look so huge through design. We have a good illustration of Polygon, which launched Finity a user-first connected system of design rudiments that allows brigades to snappily prototype, launch and gauge their products without compromising on aesthetics and usability.( Read further then) You see, how people have started allowing about the web3 design world? Not too late, it’s a good time to start allowing the web3 way! 😉
We’re at the early stages of a truly decentralized internet. There are more and more decentralized services, tools, and technologies that are appearing on the horizon. I believe that UX Design will play a vital part in bridging this gap between our centralized internet and new decentralized web3 technologies. Let’s see how the act plays out — let’s go!